Street Fighter X Tekken Asuka Super Art Street Fighter X Tekken Cammy Super Art

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Special Attack
Super Charge
Super Art
Cross Art


  • ane Street Fighter characters
    • i.1 Ryu
    • one.2 Ken
    • ane.3 Guile
    • ane.4 Abel
    • i.5 Chun-Li
    • one.6 Cammy
    • 1.7 Sagat
    • 1.viii Dhalsim
    • 1.9 Poison
    • 1.10 Hugo
    • 1.11 Ibuki
    • i.12 Rolento
    • 1.13 Zangief
    • 1.14 Rufus
    • i.fifteen Vega
    • 1.16 Balrog
    • ane.17 Juri
    • 1.18 K. Bison
    • ane.19 Akuma
    • one.20 Sakura
    • 1.21 Blanka
    • 1.22 Guy
    • i.23 Cody
    • 1.24 Dudley
    • 1.25 Elena
  • two Tekken characters
    • 2.1 Kazuya
    • 2.2 Nina
    • 2.three King
    • 2.4 Marduk
    • 2.5 Bob
    • 2.half dozen Julia
    • two.vii Hwoarang
    • two.8 Steve
    • 2.9 Yoshimitsu
    • ii.x Raven
    • 2.eleven Kuma
    • 2.12 Heihachi
    • 2.thirteen Lili
    • 2.14 Asuka
    • 2.15 Paul
    • 2.16 Police
    • 2.17 Xiaoyu
    • 2.eighteen Jin
    • 2.19 Ogre
    • two.20 Lars
    • two.21 Alisa
    • 2.22 Bryan
    • 2.23 JACK-10
    • ii.24 Christie
    • 2.25 Lei
  • 3 PS3 and Vita Exclusive characters
    • 3.1 Cole
    • 3.2 TORO
    • 3.three KURO
    • iii.four Mega Man
    • iii.5 Pac-Man

Street Fighter characters [ ]

Ryu [ ]

12 sfxtekken21.jpg
Move Name Input
Collarbone Breaker Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Solar Plexus Strike Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Hadoken Quarter circle forward + Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion + Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle back + Kick
Joudan Sokutogeri Half circle forward + Kick

Super Art: Shinku Hadoken

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Ken [ ]

12 sfxtekken12.jpg
Move Name Input
Inazuma Kick Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Forward Step Boot Left motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Thunder Kick Right motion + Arcade-Button-HKick.png (hold to feint)
Target Combo while near opponent, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Hadoken Quarter circle forward + Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion + Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air).png Quarter circle back + Kick
Super Art: Shippu Jinraikyaku Quarter circle back + Kick x3

Guile [ ]

12 sfxtekken08.jpg
Motion Proper noun Input
Straight Chop Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Spinning Back Knuckle Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Genu Bazooka Left motion or Right motion + Sf3 kick light.png
Rolling Sobat Left motion or Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Contrary Spin Kicking Left motion or Right motion + Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Guile High Kick Down-right motion + Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Target Combo while crouching, Sf3 kick medium.png, Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Sonic Blast Charge back Right motion + Punch
Flash Kicking Charge down then up + Kick
Super Art: Sonic Hurricane Charge back Right motion + Punch x3
Cross Arts: Opening Gambit Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Abel [ ]

12 sfxtekken02.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Change of Direction Quarter circle forward + Punch(varied followup)
Wheel Kick Quarter circle back + Kick
Marseilles Roll Quarter circle forward + Kick
Falling Heaven Shoryuken motion + Punch
Tornado Throw Half circle back + Punch
Shoulder Tackle Charge back Right motion + Punch
Super Art: Incoherent Charge back Right motion + Punch x3
Cross Arts: Heartless Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Chun-Li [ ]

12 sfxtekken06.jpg
Motion Name Input
Hyakuretsukyaku Half circle forward + Kick
Kikoken Half circle forward + Punch
Hazanshu Half circle back + Kick
Spinning Bird Kick Charge down then up + Kick
Super Art: Senretsukyaku Half circle forward + Kick x3
Cantankerous Arts: Hosenka Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Cammy [ ]

07 sfxtart05.jpg
Move Name Input
Spiral Arrow Quarter circle forward + Kick
Cannon Fasten Shoryuken motion + Kick
Quick Spin Knuckle Half circle back + Punch
Cannon Strike Arcade Modifier (Air).png Quarter Circle Back + Kick (while jumping frontward)
Hooligan Combination Diagonal Half Circle Forward + Punch (varied followup)
Super Fine art: Spin Drive Smasher Quarter circle forward + Kick x3
Cross Arts: CQC Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Sagat [ ]

07 sfxtart07.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Heavy Tiger Elbow Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Low Step Kick Right motion + Sf3 kick light.png
High Step Boot Right motion + Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Fake Kick Arcade-Button-HKick.png, Arcade-Button-HKick.png
High Tiger Shot Quarter circle forward + Punch
Depression Tiger Shot Quarter circle forward + Kick
Tiger Uppercut Shoryuken motion + Punch
Tiger Human knee Shoryuken motion + Kick
Super Art: Tiger Genocide Shoryuken motion + Kick x3

Dhalsim [ ]

21 sfxtimg11.jpg
Move Proper name Input
Yoga Burn down Quarter circle forward + Punch
Yoga Flame Half circle back + Punch
Yoga Blast Half circle back + Kick
Yoga Teleport Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Art: Yoga Inferno Half circle back + Punch x3
Super Fine art: Yoga Volcano Half circle back + Kick x3
Cross Arts: Yoga Strike Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Poison [ ]

21 sfxtimg12.jpg
Movement Proper noun Input
Elbow Drop Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Backflip Kick x3
Aeolus Edge Quarter circle forward + Punch
Whip of Love Quarter circle back + Punch, Punch, Punch
Love Me Tender Quarter circle back + Kick
Toxicant Rana after Beloved Me Tender hits with timing, Kick
Kissed past a Goddess Shoryuken motion + Kick
Super Art: Love Storm Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Hugo [ ]

Movement Name Input
Body Press In Airduring forrard spring, Down motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Hammer Hook Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Leap Assail Down motion Down motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Monster Lariat Quarter circle forward + Kick
Behemothic Palm Bomber Quarter circle back + Punch
Moonsault Printing Arcade Stick 360.png + Arcade Button Punch.png
Meat Squasher Arcade Stick 360.png + Kick
Shootdown Bonebreaker Shoryuken motion + Kick
Ultra Throw Half circle back + Kick
Super Art: Gigas Breaker Quarter circle forward + Kick x3
Cross Arts: Hammer Frenzy Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Ibuki [ ]

Move Proper noun Input
Kunai In Air Quarter circle forward + Punch
Neck Breaker Half circle forward + Punch
Kasumi Gake Quarter circle forward + Kick
Raida Half circle back + Punch
Super Art: Yoroitoshi Half circle back + Punch x3
Cross Arts: Yami Shigure Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Rolento [ ]

13 sfxtscreen20.jpg
Move Proper name Input
Trick Pod Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Spike Rod In Air Down motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Trick Landing Kick x3
Patriot Circumvolve Quarter circle forward + Punch, Punch, Punch
Stinger Shoryuken motion + Kick (followup with Punch or Kick)
Mekong Delta Air-Raid Quarter circle back + Punch (followed with Punch)
Mekong Delta Escape Quarter circle back + Kick (varied followup)
Super Art: Patriot Sweeper Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Zangief [ ]

13 sfxtscreen22.jpg
Move Name Input
Double Lariat Punch x3
Quick Double Lariat Kick x3
Spinning Piledriver 360 + Punch
Flying Power Flop 360 + Kick while far from opponent
Atomic Suplex 360 + Kick near opponent
Banishing Flat Shoryuken motion + Punch
Super Art:Final Atomic Buster 360 + Kick x3

Rufus [ ]

14 sfxt07.jpg
Move Name Input
Vulture Kick Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Galactic Tornado Quarter circle forward + Punch
Messiah Kick Quarter circle forward + Kick
Snake Strike Shoryuken motion + Punch
Super Fine art: Big Bang Typhoon Quarter circle forward + Punch x3
Cross Arts: Infinite Opera Symphony Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Vega [ ]

Move Name Input
Rolling Crystal Flash Charge back Right motion + Punch
Scarlet Terror Charge down back Right motion + Kick
Sky High Hook Charge down then up + Punch
Flight Barcelona Attack Charge down then up + Kick (followup hit with Punch)
Super Art: Encarmine Loftier Claw Charge down then up + Punch x3
Cantankerous Arts: Excellent Claw Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Balrog [ ]

Move Name Input
Dash Directly Charge back Right motion + Punch
Dash Upper Charge back Right motion + Kick
Nuance Low Direct Charge back Down-right motion + Punch
Dash Low Nail Charge back Down-right motion + Kick
Dash Swing Blow Charge back Down-right motion + Punch and Hold
Buffalo Caput Charge down then up + Punch and Hold
Turn Punch Hold Punch x3 or Kick x3 and release
Super Art: Crazy Buffalo Charge back Right motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3
Cross Arts: Dingy Balderdash Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Juri [ ]

Juri jpg jpgcopy.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Sekku Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Fuhajin Quarter circle forward + Kick
Senpusha Quarter circle back + Kick
Shikusen In Air Quarter circle back + Kick (followup with Kick and Kick)
Kasatushi Quarter circle back + Punch (just confronting certain attacks)
Super Fine art: Kaisen Dankairaku Quarter circle back + Kick x3

M. Bison [ ]

15 sfxtartwork02.jpg
Move Name Input
Hell Assail In Air during forward jump, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Psycho Crusher Charge back Right motion + Punch
Double Knee Press Charge back Right motion + Kick
Devil Reverse Charge down then up + Punch
Head Press Charge down then up + Kick
Somersault Skull Diver after Caput Printing successfully hits, Punch
Bison Warp Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Art: Genu Press Nightmare Charge back Right motion + Kick x3
Cross Arts: Psycho Punisher Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 kick medium.png

Akuma [ ]

15 sfxtartwork01.jpg
Move Proper name Input
Zugaihasatsu Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Tenma Kujinkyaku In Air at forward jumping top, Down motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Gohadoken Quarter circle forward + Punch
Shakunetsu Hadoken Half circle back + Punch
Zanku Hadoken only in midair Quarter circle forward + Punch
Hyakkishu Shoryuken motion + Kick
Hyakki Gozan subsequently Hyakkishu, Kick
Tatsumaki Zankukyaku also possible in midair Quarter circle back + Kick
Ashura Senku Shoryuken motion orReverse Shoryuken motion + Punch x3 orKick x3
Super Art: Raging Demon Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Right motion Sf3 kick light.png Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Super Art: Misogi Down motion Down motion Down motion + Kick x3

Sakura [ ]

Sakura gallery post.jpg
Move Name


Bloom Kick Forward Motion + Sf3 kick medium.png

Quarter circle forward + Punch (ConcurPunch to change effect)

Shouoken Shoryuken motion + Punch
Shunpukyaku Arcade Modifier (Air).png Quarter circle back + Kick
Sakura Otoshi

Shoryuken motion + Kick (Punch 3 time afterwards striking for combo )

Super Art: Haru Ranman Quarter circle back + Punch x3

Blanka [ ]

180px-Blanka gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Stone Crusher (near opponent) Backward motion Or Forward Motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Amazon River Run Down-Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Electric Thunder Tap rapidly Punch
Rolling Attack Charge Back Right Motion + Punch
Backstep Coil Charge Back Right Motion + Kick
Vertical Roll Charge Down and Then Up + Kick
Super Art: Ground Shave Roll Charge Back Right motion + Punch x3

Guy [ ]

Guy gallery post.jpg
Motion Proper noun Input
Hozanto Quarter circle back + Punch
Bushin Senpukyaku Quarter circle back + Kick
Bushin Izuna Driblet Quarter circle forward + Punch (followup withPunch)
Run Quarter circle forward + Kick (varied followup)
Kaiten Izuna Otoshi In Air Quarter circle forward + Punch
Super Art: Bushin Goraisenpujin Quarter circle back + Punch x3

Cody [ ]

Cody gallery post.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Bad Rock/Pocketknife Throw Quarter circle forward + Punch
Ruffian Kick Quarter circle forward + Kick
Criminal Upper Quarter circle back + Punch
Zonk Knuckle Hold Punch and release
Knife Pickup Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Punch x3
Super Fine art: Last Destruction Quarter circle forward + Kick x3

Dudley [ ]

Dudley gallery post.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Jet Upper Shoryuken motion + Punch
Machinegun Blow Half circle forward + Punch
Duck/Ducking Straight/Ducking Upper Half circle forward + Kick (varied followup)
Cantankerous Counter Half circle back + Punch
Short Swing Blow Half circle back + Kick
Thunderbolt Charge down then up + Kick
Super Combo: Rolling Thunder Half circle back + Kick x3

Elena [ ]

Elena gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Rhinoceros Horn Half circle forward + Kick
Mallet Boom Half circle back + Punch
Spin Scythe Quarter circle back + Kick (can be executed twice in a row)
Scratch Wheel Shoryuken motion + Kick
Lynx Tail Reverse Shoryuken motion + Kick
Super Art: Brave Dance Half circle forward + Kick

Tekken characters [ ]

Kazuya [ ]

12 sfxtekken10.jpg
Motility Name Input
Flash Punch Philharmonic Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Demon Slayer Sf3 punch light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Demon God Fist Quarter circle forward + Punch
Mist Step Right motion, Arcade-Stick-Down.png Down-right motion
Dragon Uppercut subsequently Mist Step, Punch
Spinning Demon subsequently Mist Pace, Kick, then Kick
Spinning Demon Uppercut after Mist Step, Kick, then Punch
Slaughter Hook Quarter circle back + Sf3 punch light.png
Slaughter Loftier Kick Quarter circle back + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Devastator Quarter circle back + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Rise Sun Quarter circle back + Kick
Super Arts: Devil Beam Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Nina [ ]

12 sfxtekken18.jpg
Move Name Input
Blonde Bomb Quarter circle forward + Punch
Skull Splitter Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch
Geyser Cannon Quarter circle back + Kick
Rolling Nuance Half circle forward + Kick
Backhand Slap later Rolling Dash, Punch x3
Arm Break after Backhand Slap, Punch x3
Double Arm Intermission after Arm Break, Punch x3
Super Arts: Double Explosion

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Rex [ ]

12 sfxtekken14.jpg
Move Name Input
Jaguar Step Kick x3
Lariat after Jaguar Pace, Sf3 punch light.png
Loftier Elbow Driblet after Jaguar Step, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png or Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Water Surface Kick after Jaguar Step, Sf3 kick light.png
Dragon Screw Left motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3
Running Jaguar Bomb Shoryuken motion + Punch
Konvict Kick Shoryuken motion + Kick
Ddt subsequently Konvict Kicking, Kick
Opposite Arm Slam Philharmonic Quarter circle back + Punch
Behemothic Swing Half circle forward + Punch
Tomahawk Half circle forward + Kick
Super Arts: Wonderful Mexican Special Philharmonic

Quarter circle back + Punch x3

Super Arts: Muscle Pause afterwards Wonderful Mexican Special Combo (2nd hitting), Quarter circle back + Punch

Marduk [ ]

12 sfxtekken16.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Gator Slam Shoryuken motion + Punch
Northern Lights Suplex Half circle back + Punch
Double Leg Take Down Half circle back + Kick
Mount Mongolian Chop after Double Leg Take Downwardly, Punch
Hercules' Hammer after Double Leg Accept Down, Kick
Super Arts: Mount Rush

Half circle back + Kick x3

Bob [ ]

12 sfxtekken04.jpg
Move Name Input
Giga Jacker Quarter circle forward + Punch
Spinner Ball Half circle forward + Kick
Lyonnaise Break after Spinner Brawl, Punch
Perfect Press later Spinner Ball, Kick
Panini Flip after Spinner Ball, Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Kick

Shoryuken motion + Punch

Pound Cake after Cracker, Punch
Cracker Jacker afterwards Cracker, Kick
Special Pace Shoryuken motion + Kick (varied followup)
Super Arts: Giga Meteo

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Julia [ ]

07 sfxtart06.jpg
Move Proper name Input
Swift Footstep Half circle forward + Sf3 punch light.png
Lashing Pointer Half circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Swift Stride Explosion Half circle forward + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Rising Boot Shoryuken motion + Kick
Wind Coil Half circle forward + Kick
Tequila Sunrise Elbow Nail afterward Wind Roll, Punch, Punch
Hunting Tomahawk afterward Wind Roll, Kick, Punch
Air current Roll Explosion

after Air current Ringlet, Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Kick , Punch , Punch

Tiger Strike Quarter circle back + Punch
Super Arts: Iron Mountain Blitz

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Hwoarang [ ]

07 sfxtart08.jpg
Move Name Input
Special Step Shoryuken motion + Punch
Sky Rocket Shoryuken motion + Kick
Hunting Militarist Quarter circle back + Kick
Air Raid Half circle forward + Kick
Air Raid Special after Air Raid, Arcade Modifier (Air).png Half circle forward + Kick
Dynamite Heel Half circle back + Punch
Super Arts: Heel Explosion Combo

Half circle back + Punch x3

Steve [ ]

21 sfxtimg13.jpg
Movement Name Input
Weaving A Sf3 kick light.png
Weaving B Sf3 kick medium.png
Quick Spin Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Hellfire Quarter circle forward + Punch
Flicker Stance Left motion + Punch x3
Flicker Jab during Flicker Opinion, Punch
Peekaboo Right motion + Kick x3
Patella Smash during Peekaboo, Sf3 punch light.png
Cutting Elbow during Peekaboo, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Albion Combination during Peekaboo, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Ducking Quarter circle forward + Kick, Punch
Sonic Fang Shoryuken motion + Punch
Swaying Quarter circle back + Kick
Super Arts: Hellfire Rush

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Yoshimitsu [ ]

21 sfxtimg14.jpg
Motion Name Input
Flea Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Kick x3
Jumping Flea during Flea, Arcade Modifier (Air).png
Flea Release during Flea, Punch
Sliding Headbutt during Flea, Kick
Flea to Poison Breath during flea, Half circle back + Kick
Gehosen Shoryuken motion + Punch
Slap U Silly Quarter circle forward + Punch ...
Stone Fists Quarter circle forward + Kick ...
Sword Poke Windmill Half circle back + Punch
Poison Breath Half circle back + Kick
Suicide Half circle back Right motion + Punch
Indian Stance Vacuum Dance

Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3

Super Arts: Sword Poke Whirlwind

Half circle back + Punch x3

Raven [ ]

Move Name Input
Storm Bringer Right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png, Sf3 kick medium.png or Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Skull Smasher Left motion + Sf3 kick medium.png, Sf3 kick light.png
Skull Smasher Feint Left motion + Sf3 kick medium.png, Sf3 kick medium.png
Skull Smasher Feint Depression Left motion + Sf3 kick medium.png, Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Cross Ninja Stars Quarter circle forward + Punch
Alter Ego Quarter circle forward + Kick
Wind Cross Quarter circle back + Punch
Haze Shoryuken motion or Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch x3 or Kick x3
Super Arts: Doppelganger

Quarter circle back + Punch x3

Kuma [ ]

Movement Name Input
Frolicking Behave Half circle back + Kick
Rock N' Curl Circus Half circle back Right motion + Punch
Megaton Claw Half circle forward + Punch
Grizzly Claws after Megaton Claw, Sf3 punch light.png
Grizzly Claw Blast after Megaton Hook, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png or Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Headbutt 360 + Punch near from opponent
Rolling Deport 360 + Punch away from opponent
Super Arts: Fatal Wind

Half circle back + Kick x3

Heihachi [ ]

13 sfxtscreen23.jpg
Move Name Input
Rising Uppercut Shoryuken motion + Punch
Dragon Uppercut Shoryuken motion + Kick
Dragon Uppercut (followup) if Dragon Uppercut successfully hits or is blocked, Punch
Sky'southward Wrath Half circle forward + Kick
Raijin Stance Half circle back + Punch
Hell Axle Quarter circle back + Kick
Demon Breath Quarter circle forward + Punch
Super Arts: Raijin'southward Wrath

Half circle back + Punch x3

Lili [ ]

13 sfxtscreen21.jpg
Movement Name Input
Dendroblum Quarter circle forward + Punch
Sunflower Lance Quarter circle forward + Kick
Angel Knee joint Shoryuken motion + Kick
Feisty Rabbit Quarter circle back + Kick
Assail Reversal Half circle back + Punch
Divine Step Arcade Modifier (Air).png Shoryuken motion + Kick
Super Arts: Wind Up Spear

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Asuka [ ]

23 sfxt12.jpg
Motion Name Input
Exerciser Half circle back + Punch
Mist Palm Thrust after Exerciser, Punch
Raging Tempest later Mist Palm Thrust, Right motion + Punch
Falling Rain Shoryuken motion + Punch
Double Lift Kicks Shoryuken motion + Kick
Onikubigari Half circle back + Kick
Sweep Throw Half circle forward + Punch
Assault Reversal Half circle forward + Kick
Super Arts: Kishin Embu

Half circle back + Kick x3

Paul [ ]

Move Name Input
Phoenix Smasher Quarter circle forward + Punch
Mortar Punch Shoryuken motion + Punch
Shredder Shoryuken motion + Kick
Sway Quarter circle back + Punch
Mountain Raze Half circle forward + Kick
Super Arts: Burning Fist

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Police [ ]

Move Proper noun Input
Machine Gun Pointer Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png
Somersault Boot Half circle forward + Kick
Backflipper afterward Somersault Boot, Half circle forward + Kick
Dragon Charge Half circle back + Punch
Fury Fist Rush Half circle forward + Punch
Shaolin Spin Kicks Quarter circle back + Kick
Super Arts: Junkyard Soul

Quarter circle back + Kick x3

Xiaoyu [ ]

Move Proper name Input
Phoenix Opinion Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Punch x3
Moving ridge Crest during Phoenix Stance, Punch
Double Map Sweep during Phoenix Stance, Kick
Phoenix Talon during Phoenix Opinion, Quarter circle forward + Kick
Flower Power during Phoenix Stance, Quarter circle back + Kick
Pelting Trip the light fantastic toe Left motion + Kick x3
Mistrust during Pelting Dance, Kick
Nighttime & Stormy during Rain Trip the light fantastic, Punch
Turn of Fortune before the showtime hit of Night & Stormy hits, Punch
California Roll during Rain Dance, Quarter circle forward + Kick
Cyclone Left during California Curlicue, Kick
Back Layout during Rain Dance, Quarter circle back + Kick
Storming Flower Quarter circle forward + Sf3 punch light.png
Fortune Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Fortune Cookie Quarter circle forward + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Meteor Quarter circle forward + Kick
Hakkesho Quarter circle back + Punch
Super Arts: Hakkesho Philharmonic

Quarter circle back + Punch x3

Jin [ ]

15 sfxtartwork03.jpg
Movement Proper noun Input
Kazama Mode v Hitting Combo Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 kick light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 kick medium.png
Penetrating Fist Quarter circle forward + Punch
Power Stance Quarter circle back + Punch
Median Line Destruction Right motion Left motion then right motion + Punch
Mental Alertness Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Sf3 kick light.png Sf3 kick medium.png
Left Drill Dial later Mental Alertness, Sf3 punch light.png
Swaying Willow later Mental Alertness, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png or Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Leaping Side Kick afterward Mental Alertness, Sf3 kick light.png
Right Sweep afterwards Mental Alertness, Sf3 kick medium.png or Arcade-Button-HKick.png
Super Arts: Devil Beam

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Ogre [ ]

15 sfxtartwork04.jpg
Motion Name Input
Flash Punch Philharmonic Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Indigo Dial Quarter circle forward + Punch
Ancient Power Shoryuken motion + Punch
Waning Moon Quarter circle back + Punch
Blazing Kick Quarter circle back + Kick
Owl'due south Hunt Shoryuken motion + Kick
Super Arts: Hell Inferno

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Lars [ ]

Lars gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Storm Axle Right motion + Arcade-Button-MKick.png
Silent Entry Quarter circle forward + Kick
Lightning Thrust during Silent Entry, Arcade Button Punch.png
Rising Storm during Silent Entry, Kick
Avalanche Stomp Quarter circle back + Kick
Avalanche Flip during Avalanche Stomp, Arcade-Button-LPunch.png
Avalanche Spike during Barrage Stomp, Arcade-Button-MPunch.png or Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Lightning Spiral Arcade Stick S.png + Kick
Dynamic Entry Quarter circle forward + Punch
Mjolnir during Dynamic Entry, Arcade-Stick-Down.png + Punch
Lock and Load during Dynamic Entry, Arcade Button Punch.png
Double Barrel during Lock and Load, Arcade Button Punch.png

Super Fine art: Zeus

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Alisa [ ]

Alisa gallery post.jpg
Movement Name Input
Double Rocket Punch Quarter circle back + Punch
Cradle Star Shoryuken motion + Kick,Punch
Sliding Combo after Slide, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Dual Kick Half circle forward + Punch(Followup withPunch orKick)
Happy Propeller Shoryuken motion + Punch

Double Cut

Quarter circle back + Kick
Kicking Half circle forward + Kick (Followup withPunch orKick)
Clock Setting (only during Subversive Course)Quarter circle back + Punch
Destructive Form Down motion + Punch x3
Super Arts: Trigger Shuffle Quarter circle back + Kick x3

Bryan [ ]

Bryan gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Snake Pit Half circle forward + Punch
Mach Breaker Right motion,Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Fisherman's Slam Shoryuken motion + Punch (when M, H or EX version hits)Punch Punch at the aforementioned time

Flight Knee joint

Quarter circle back + Kick
Right Left to Spin Kicking Quarter circle back + Punch (tin be performed three times in sequence)
Super Arts: Face up Crusher Quarter circle back + Kick x3

JACK-X [ ]

JACK-X gallery post.jpg
Motion Proper noun Input
Piston Gun Tap Punch
Megaton Earthquake Reverse Shoryuken motion + Punch
Rocket Uppercut Shoryuken motion + Punch

Gigaton Dial

Quarter circle forward + Punch
Atomic Shoulder Tackle Half circle forward + Kick
Super Arts: Behemothic Rush Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Christie [ ]

Christie gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Double Arm Stinger Half circle back + Punch
Twister Sweep Half circle back + Kick (press repeatedly for followup attacks)
Handstand Quarter circle forward + Kick (multiple followup)

Wheel Kicks

Quarter circle forward + Punch
Super Arts: Wheel Kicks Sao Paulo Special Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Lei [ ]

Lei gallery post.jpg
Move Name Input
Reverse Lotus Shoryuken motion + Kick ( Followup withKick )

Orchid Palm

Quarter circle forward + Punch
Tornado Kick Quarter circle back + Kick (can be performed three times in sequence)
Comet Kick Quarter circle forward + Kick( Followup withKick )
Drunken Master Walk Right motion + Kick x3
Super Arts: Orochid Trip the light fantastic Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

PS3 and Vita Exclusive characters [ ]

Cole [ ]

Character cole.jpg
Move Name Input
Roll Attack Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Slide Down-right motion + Sf3 kick medium.png
Sliding Combo afterwards Slide, Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Amp Combo Quarter circle forward + Punch
Lightning Hook Shoryuken motion + Punch

Shock Wave

Half circle back + Kick
Thunder Drop Half circle forward + Kick
Shock Grenade Quarter circle back + Punch
Super Arts: Ionic Vortex Half circle back + Kick x3

TORO [ ]

Character toro.jpg
Move Name Input
Collarbone Breaker Right motion + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Solar Plexus Strike Right motion + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Hadoken Quarter circle forward + Punch
Shoryuken Shoryuken motion + Punch
Tatsumaki Senpukyaku Quarter circle back + Kick
Joudan Sokutogeri Half circle forward + Kick

Super Fine art: Shinku Hadoken

Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

KURO [ ]

Character kuro.jpg
Move Proper noun Input
Flash Punch Philharmonic Sf3 punch light.png Sf3 punch light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Demon Slayer Sf3 punch light.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Demon God Fist Quarter circle forward + Punch
Mist Pace Right motion, Arcade-Stick-Down.png Down-right motion
Dragon Uppercut later on Mist Footstep, Punch
Spinning Demon after Mist Pace, Kick, then Kick
Spinning Demon Uppercut after Mist Step, Kick, and so Punch
Slaughter Hook Quarter circle back + Sf3 punch light.png
Slaughter High Kick Quarter circle back + Arcade-Button-MPunch.png
Devastator Quarter circle back + Arcade-Button-HPunch.png
Ascension Dominicus Quarter circle back + Kick
Super Arts: Devil Beam Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Mega Man [ ]

26 sfxt01.jpg
Motion Proper name Input
Mega Buster Quarter circle forward + Punch
Mega Uppercut Shoryuken motion + Punch
Ice Slasher Quarter circle forward + Kick
Thunder Beam Arcade Modifier (Air).png Half circle back + Punch
Super Arts: Mega Cannon Quarter circle forward + Punch x3

Pac-Man [ ]

26 sfxt02.jpg
Motility Name Input
Pac-Dot Attack Quarter circle forward + Punch
Flip Boot Quarter circle back + Kick
Hip Assail Arcade Modifier (Air).png Quarter circle back + Kick
Pac-Dash Half circle forward + Kick
Super Arts:Pac-Laser Quarter circle forward + Punch x3


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